We are looking for a Dahu !
Dear Dahu!
If you read these lines, it means that our job title caught your interest… Great!
That’s true, we are looking for a kind of techy unicorn who combines Growth Hacking and inside sales skills. Your role is pretty simple, you will have to do whatever it takes to increase our brand awareness, drive traffic to our website, ensure a high conversion rate and help our awesome sales director to close deals.
—> Postule ICI <—
The first target is our beautiful Belgium and its neighbouring countries. As a matter of fact, you will have to write and speak in French, Dutch and English. Any other language such as German, Spanish, Italian, etc. Is obviously an asset.
To succeed in your mission you will need some prior experience with advertisement, digital marketing, social media management, press relationship, sales, etc. But more than anything, we need you to be fully autonomous and curious. We are a very small and busy team, we have 1 million new ideas everyday but only 24 hours a day. One of our ideas was to double the amount of hours in a day and create the concept of 14 days per week. Unfortunately we face some strong objections… Since we can’t do everything on our own and since we believe we are better at other things, we need you!
Oh did I mentioned that we don’t have much budget so we will need your creativity to work within a minimum budget? :))
—> Postule ICI <—
Now, what do we offer to you?
We will offer a competitive salary towards your level of experience and prior performance, all tools you need to perform your work and of course a super motivated and thankful team who will support you in pretty much all your initiatives. No no, really all your initiatives, the only think we will ask you is to build your case and justify that you have a high level of confidence on the expected outcome of your actions. We will ask you to put in place your metrics and KPI and we’ll track the results together. Jamie, our sales director, will work closely with you to identify the ideal customers and together you will convert and make them happy.
—> Postule ICI <—
I could have listed an phenomenal amount of skills I would expect you to have but let’s be honest, if you read this and if you know what a Growth Hacker, a marketeer and an inside sales person is, then you know what what you need to do the job.
Postule pardis! On attend ta candidature!
I look forward meeting you!
—> Postule ICI <—
WHAT IS A DAHU ? –> Read this!