Receive candidates

Receive Applicants in Diverse Ways

Who says receiving applications in multiple ways has to be complicated? With Talentsquare everything is automated, requiring no effort from your side, neither from your candidates’. For both sides, everything happens in a few clicks.

An Intuitive Form

Online applications don’t have to be time-consuming and over-complicated. Your candidates will be able to apply to your job openings through a simple, intuitive form, and with minimum effort.

We require only relevant information, and give the candidates the possibility to return to their profiles and fill in more details whenever they want. Guess who will receive all the updates of their profiles once they are added? That’s right, it’s you.

Profile Import

LinkedIn Ads

Completing an online form, as simple as it may be, cannot satisfy everyone. Some people are looking for an even faster way of completing their profiles. We have a solution for them as well.

They can now pre-fill their form by importing their data from their LinkedIn or Indeed profiles. Can’t get easier than this!

CV Import (Parsing)

CV Parsing

As an employer, you must have gathered a considerable amount of candidate CVs by now. The problem with CVs is that they are hard to manage, can get lost or become irrelevant in a short period of time.

We will help you get past these weaknesses by giving you the option of importing your CV database and creating candidate profiles with this data. The candidates will therefore be invited to sign in to their new profiles and update their information. This will give you a completely updated candidate database.

You will be able to parse CVs in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF, XML, EML and many other. English, Dutch and French are the currently supported languages, but don’t hesitate to contact us if you wish to import CVs in a different language.