Job Landing Page
Having a mobile-optimized, SEO-friendly, and easy to read job landing page is the first step in giving a positive impression to your potential hires.

Feature As Much Information As You Want
With Talentsquare you can easily create a job description with your own look and feel. In just a few clicks, you can modify text formats and styles, add images, videos, and even add specific questions that your candidates will have to answer in order to apply.
Showcase Your Brand

You can easily add a header and video to each of your job openings, making them more attractive. Show to potential candidates who you are and what it’s like to be a part of your team. Show them which values you stand for, your culture, and what they can expect from the job, and you’ll boost your chances of finding the ideal candidate.
Show Off Your Recruiting Team

Your recruiters are great! So why not show them off? Display their name, picture and contact details so candidates will immediately know who to address. Bring a face to your company and team by showing who’s in charge of specific job openings. Your potential candidates will surely appreciate the transparency!