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#HRUBrussels, een uniek leerplatform, te Brussel op 18 februari!

4 February 2016 | Source: Peoplesphere De toekomst van People Management op het gebied van rekrutering en technologie, dat is het onderwerp van het debat dat de eerste HR Unconference #HRU te Brussel op 18 Februari met u wil aangaan. De experten die in het kader van dit event samenkomen hebben slechts één missie: het animeren van discussies en het ter beschikking stellen van hun expertise. #HRUBrussels is an event organised by Talentsquare. Read More.

#hruBrussels le 18 février, un format d’interactions unique en son genre.

4 February 2016 | Source: Peoplesphere Le futur du People Management sous l’angle du recrutement et de la technologie, voilà ce que la première HR Unconference organisée à Bruxelles vous propose de débattre le 18 février prochain à Bruxelles. Les experts réunis à cette occasion ont pour mission d’animer les discussions en mettant toute leur expertise au service des besoins des participants. HRU est un évènement organisé par Talentsquare. Read More.

Talentsquare vous aide à gérer vos recrutements en ligne

4 February 2016 | Source: DataNews Une PME peut elle aussi utiliser de l’aide lors de ses procédures de recrutement, mais elle n’a pas toujours les moyens financiers pour acquérir de coûteuses solutions à grande échelle. Qu’à cela ne tienne, Talentsquare leur offre une application logicielle très conviviale à prix réduit. Read More.

Talentsquare helpt met het online beheren van je aanwervingen

4 February 2016 | Source: DataNews Ook een KMO kan wel eens hulp gebruiken bij zijn aanwervingprocedures, maar heeft niet altijd het geld voor dure, grootschalige oplossingen. Talentsquare biedt hen een softwareapplicatie die veel gebruiksgemak biedt tegen een scherpe prijs. Read More.

Everything you need to know about building a successful corporate careers page

1 June 2015 | Source: Mashable With more and more job seekers flocking to websites and social media to research companies, it’s important to have a strong online presence — and that means a streamlined, well designed careers page. Pieterjan Kempynck, our CEO, talks about how to build a successful corporate careers page and shares some tips for making the most out of it. Read More.

How Talentsquare makes CV Parsing accessible through Textkernel

7 May 2015 | Source: Textkernel Pieterjan Kempynck, our CEO, talks about Talentsquare and the decision to integrate Textkernel’s resume parsing technology into our recruitment platform. Textkernel is the very best technology in the market, and thanks to it we rapidly grew our prospects and customers in just a couple of weeks. We are experiencing great parsing accuracy across all types of job application submissions. Read More.

How Belgian Startups attract foreign talents

28 April 2015 | Source: For all Dutch speakers out there, Talentsquare is the first of 6 testimonials in this great Trends article, where we are sharing our perspective on the Belgian Startup environment and the ability of Belgian Start-ups to attract foreign talents. Don’t miss out! Read More.

HR Hacks – 23 of the best resources, tools and sites for HR people

8 April 2015 | Source: ETS We all love a good ‘life hack’ – something that makes our life easier, more productive or efficient. So, to help busy HR people at work, ETS compiled a list of HR shortcuts (or hacks). Their list features some of the most innovative tools, most insightful resources or best service providers, and we are happy to count ourselves among them. Read More.

4 Ways to Audit Your Candidate Experience

23 February 2015 | Source: Let’s be honest: the hiring process is stressful for everyone involved. However, the candidate experience goes especially overlooked too often, and strong candidates are deterred by negative experiences during the hiring process. Positive candidate and new-hire experiences are essential, not only to attracting and retaining top talent, but also to a company’s overall brand. Read More.

3 Great Apps To Improve The Whole Recruitment Process

8 December 2014 | Source: Business Computing World App tracking systems are constantly investing in new and innovative ways for candidates to present themselves better to head hunters. Don’t forget the crucial role social media plays either and the business network LinkedIn is constantly adding more functions to its targeted job searches. Let’s take a look at the top applicant tracking system, social network and mobile app which are helping to improve the whole recruitment process.Read More.

#MeetMonday – Pieterjan Kempynck Interview

8 December 2014 | Source: The Undercover Recruiter Pieterjan is one of the founders of Talentsquare, a free, user-friendly Applicant Tracking System with over 10-15 years of HR experience. In the second of The Undercover Recruiters’ #MeetMonday series, he shares some of his top tips and stories. Read More.

How Technology Is Improving The Candidate Experience

2 December 2014 | Source: The Undercover Recruiter The Undercover Recruiter explored the top applicant tracking systems, social networks and mobile apps which will can help companies improving the candidate experience. Talentsquare was considered one of the top applicant tracking systems. Read More.

Simplify Your Recruiting Process with Talentsquare

15 November 2014 | Source: Tech Cocktail Tech Cocktail reviewed Talentsquare and its pros and cons. Read More

Talentsquare Makes Recruiting Easy

8 November 2014 | Source: EYES IN™ EYES IN™ Magazine Editor-in-Chief Vivian Van Dijk covered Web Summit 2014 live in Dublin where she met Talentsquare Business Development Manager Timoté Geimer. Talentsquare is a new innovative recruiting software from Belgium that helps employers with hiring and mass recruiting. Read More.

Talentsquare Selected for Web Summit 2014

27 October 2014 | Source: Blog Talentsquare has been selected from the huge number of applications to be part of the BETA programme at the 2014 Dublin Web Summit. Read More.

Content Marketing: Showcasing original content for recruiting platform lifts social engagement 61.2%

09 October 2014 | Source: MarketingSherpa Talentsquare revamped its online presence to showcase the brand and the expert knowledge of its employees. Learn how the company peeled back the curtain and shared original content via its blog and social media. Read More.