Expedition Roadmap To Getting The Job You Want – Step 3 – Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition
In the previous step of our Expedition, we reviewed the importance of closely verifying a job opportunity to validate that indeed this is something for you. Now we will take a look at how you can make sure Employers take an interest in your application.
It’s important to recognize that, by applying for a job, you are entering a competitive arena. Most probably you are not the only applicant for the position you are interested in. You can’t just send in your resume, hoping that the Recruiters will easily map your profile with the requirements of the function. It is important to clearly articulate why you are very suitable for a specific job!
Marketers know they have to promote the USP’s – the Unique Selling Proposition – of a product or service if they aspire to gain any interests from their target audience. So think like a marketer and see yourself as a ‘service’ your ‘target customer’ (i.e. your potential future employer) should be interested in ‘buying’ (i.e. hiring). Understandably you may find this perspective a bit cold and degrading… as if you are a ‘purchase’… Well, it’s time to get real now: in essence you are nothing but a purchase! In return for certain rewards and recognition, an Employer will be interested in retaining your services. The annoying thing in all this is off course that Employers decide where to shop and what to buy, so it is entirely up to you to draw their attention and make sure they consider ‘trying’ (i.e. interviewing) you.
Often Employers get hundreds of applications for a certain position. So before building your CV and motivation letter, try to outline and define the arguments within your career track, experience, competencies or interests that might be relevant for the Employer to appreciate. Go back to the previous step and think about why you found the market, company or position interesting. Try to find convincing arguments to prove that you have the right profile to be considered for interviewing and selection.
In our next step, we will review together how to weave these arguments in a compelling CV and motivation letter.
Step 1: Understanding Yourself
Step 2: Defining Your Destination
Step 3: Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition
Step 4: Standing Out From The Crowd
Step 5: Managing Your Moments of Truth