Promote Your Jobs

Promote Your Jobs On Various Channels

Share your vacancies on free and paid job boards and aggregators, as well as through pay-per-click job advertising, directly from Talentsquare. Analyze the performance of different channels and find out which job boards bring you the best talent.

On Free & Paid Job Boards

Post and share jobs in one click. Increase the visibility of your vacancies by sharing them for free on job boards and job aggregators such as Indeed, Neuvoo, Glassdoor, Meega and The unique URL of each of your job openings allows you to share to many other job boards as well!

Seamlessly purchase credits and promote your jobs to StackOverflow Careers, StepStone, Indeed and many others still to come.

See the detail of our job board offer

On Your Talentsquare Career Page

Talentsquare Career Page

Display your job offers on your Career Page thanks to our incredibly easy-to-use module. Activate Talentsquare’s advanced feature and showcase all your job openings, hiring team, social media channels and even your latest blog posts in a single, customizable place.

On Your Own Website

Talentsquare Job Widget

Easily display your job offers on your website via our widget. Talentsquare has developed a free tool that allows you to automatically display all open jobs on your website.

On Social Media


Facebook Ads
LinkedIn Ads
Google AdWords

Broadcast your job offers to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many other social network in one-click. Talentsquare allows your recruiters to share your vacancies to their personal social networks directly from the system.

One-click Share

One Click Share

Beyond the usual social networks, you can easily promote the jobs to Reddit, StumbleUpon, and many other platforms. You can also forward the job by email to your contacts or anyone that might be interested.

Talentsquare Job Feed

Talentsquare Job Feed

Talentsquare users can also benefit from our free, public job feed and attract even more candidates.

Candidates that have a Talentsquare profile can apply with one click to any of the job openings in our public job feed.